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The Rhythm of Life

Play and adventure are vital components of a successful and joyous relationship, but we often put play on the end of the to-do list.

Prioritizing fun together creates trust, intimacy, and deep connection. Couples who play together, stay together.

If you can’t remember the last time you felt excited and curious with your partner, or had the feeling something exciting was about to happen, you’re suffering from a lack of play and adventure.

Don’t get too into the groove of life that you forget to make playing together a priority.

Ask each other these open-ended questions about play to spark the adventurous spirit in your relationship:

  • What does adventure / play mean to you?

  • How did you play when you were a child?

  • How do you think we could have more fun together?

  • What’s a one-day adventure you could imagine us having together?

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